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The founders of Body Supplements Store are body building veterans who have been in the business for years.

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Buy Legal Steroid Online in USA

Today, every athlete knows what these drugs are used for, but reliable information about them, however, is scarce. This fact alone has become the leading cause of the various side effects they experience. Steroids are derivatives of testosterone and one of the strongest anabolics. By taking these, the concentration of the male hormone within the body increases sharply.

The outcome of this process is the accelerated gaining of muscle mass, increased strength characteristics yet while fat reserves are actively burned off. Each steroid is uniquely designed to solve a specific problem, which means not all of them are suitable for gaining mass. Therefore, before purchasing your desired pharmaceutical product, you must first confirm that the effects of the substance match the desired goals of your cycle.

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Shipping and payment

We do speedy deliveries of orders to all regions within the USA. Delivery is carried out by regular mail or via express courier. All convenient payment methods are available to choose from.


Product Warranty

We only sell original products that have been manufactured by leading pharmaceutical companies. All the necessary certificates are made available to view.


Expert advice

Novice athletes often do not have the basic knowledge or sufficient understanding of pharmacology. You can, therefore, address your questions to our consultants, who are all active athletes participating in various tournaments. Note that all consultations are free of charge!

how it works

How to take steroids

All anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) must be used following the given instructions. These drugs interfere with the endocrine system processes and exceeding the recommended dosages or making other errors may cause side effects. All steroids can be divided into two groups: short or long-term actions.

Drugs in tablet form, as well as the injectable kinds, belong to the first group. This requires taking them more often. These include all tableted steroids, as well as Winstrol, Nandrolone Phenylpropionate, Testosterone Propionate, and others.
With prolonged-release drugs, though, the situation is quite different and it’s only necessary that they be administered once or twice a week. Among these, Deca, Testosterone Enanthate, Primobolan, as well as Boldenone are the most popular.

The Pros and Cons of Steroids

Among the advantages of AAS, it should be noted:

  • The possibility of increasing power parameters;
  • Improved condition of joints;
  • Fast muscle mass gain;
  • The active burning of fat reserves;
  • Acceleration of recovery processes in the body.

Steroids have many more positive properties and here we have only noted the main ones. However, you should be aware of possible side effects which may include gynecomastia, acne, suppression of the synthesis of natural testosterone, and an increase in blood pressure.

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